Yet another action-packed weekend at Auchengillan!
19th February 2016
Last Friday saw the start of the third annual SubZero camp for Scouts and Explorer scouts. 750 young people descended on the campsite for two nights to socialize, take part in activities, and meet both old and new friends.
With activities being run on a continuous basis throughout the weekend, there was an option to try out a new activity and learn new skills or alternatively kick back, relax and catch up with old and new found friends – a popular option with many explorers.
Whether it’s killing time in the Café, cheering on Scotland’s latest 6 Nation attempt in the games room or dropping in on the activity sessions, there was a bit of something for everyone.
Kicking off events in true Scouting style, Friday saw a delicious hog roast complete with a campfire in the courtyard - the perfect way to get settled in.
Saturday was a bit chilly with most waking up to frost covered canvas on frozen grass however temperature’s climbed quickly with a jam-packed day of exciting activities. From pedal karts and giant inflatable games to abseiling and paradrops on the climbing tower, we had all bases covered.
The latest and ‘hotly’ anticipated addition to our facilities included the heated outdoor pool (making new use of the old heating system in the Allander Chalet – recycling at its finest!) which was open all weekend. Shout out and a massive thanks to Angus and Scott who were our volunteer lifeguards for the weekend.
In the evening we hosted Auchengillan’s first outdoor pool party – with an air temperature below freezing the water was a toasty 40 degrees, a DJ and full sound & lighting systems made this a raging success with the explorer units. Another is now planned for next summer’s Jamboree. In the meantime you can check out the weekend’s party here:
Sunday was another frosty morning and saw the camp come to a close mid-afternoon after another highly successful SubZero camp!
We of course need to give thanks to the staff and volunteers at Auchengillan – Claire and Andy, the centre management team, Mark, Remi and Andrew our instructor staff, and Fraser, Jamie, Martin, Fearghas, Sharpie, Hards, (couple of others) to name a few of the 40 volunteers who donated their weekends to making another exceptional regional camp.