Our Young People Yield the Way for Change
20th November 2017
Member of the Regional Youth Advisory Group, Iona Brownlie relfects on their first full meeting held recently.
At the beginning of the month, Clyde Region's Youth Advisory Group (RYAG) met at Auchengillan Outdoor centre for their first official meeting. Within the meeting the group elected its Chair, James Gallagher from the 28th Glasgow, Vice-Chair Zoë Jordan and Secretary Emma McLea from 1st Lenzie. James is now the first ever Regional Youth Commissioner for Clyde Region. Congratulations to James, Zoë, and Emma on their election.
At its meeting, the Group discussed how to encourage the young people of the Region to take part in more events. The Group was split up and together they came up with activities to get the youth members of Clyde Region more involved and this included discussion on whether a weekend or a day event would be more successful. After the hard work the Group were then treated to a spot of rifle shooting provided by Mark from the Auchengillan team.
The RYAG are now working towards an activity day to encourage the youth members of Clyde to become more involved in Scouting. The RYAG hopes to encourage Clyde to become more #youthshaped and under the watchful eye of Regional Commissioner Marion Rankin and Assistant Regional Commissioner (Youth Involvement), Euan Waddell it is bringing the Scouts from across the Region together to ensure that they as young people are at the front of all that is Clyde Region.