Our St. George's Day Award recipients

30th March 2017

Clyde Scouts was delighted that 6 of our leaders and supporters from across the Region had their contribution to Scouting recognised by the Chief Scout in the 2017 St. George’s Day Awards with the award of the Silver Acorn.

Iain Forrest is currently Deputy District Commissioner in Clydesdale District and has been involved in Scouting for more than 28 years. Iain is held in high regard by all who are supported by him and there is no doubt that the successful growth of nearly 10% in membership in Clydesdale District in the last 4 years can be attributed in part, to the support of members of the District Team like Iain helping adults to fulfill their role.

Brendan Harris first joined Scouting as an adult volunteer in 1992 and is currently GSL at the 145th Glasgow. He is a firm believer in the benefits of coaching and mentoring adult volunteers, to provide them with sufficient confidence to become successful Section Leaders, and then delegating responsibility for running a high quality programme. His is unassuming, but with firm determination; considered, while very astute; charmingly assertive yet modest.


Andreena Linley has been at the heart of Cub Scouting in East Kilbride since 1995 . At her Group’s Centenary Camp, despite being 68 years old at the time she was the backbone of the catering team who catered for approximately 150 children and adults over 2 days and she still found time to run activities for Beavers and cubs.


Stephen MacMillan has given almost 30 years’ service to Scouting since, after years as a youth member of the organisation Stephen became a leader at the age of 18. He has continued in Scouting ever since and still maintains the nickname of “Titch” given to him when he started as a young boy. Over the years he has continued not only to make a valuable contribution but has always strived to acquire more skills which he gives back to Scouting.


Peter McMahon’s adult service to Scouting spans more than 40 years at Group, District and Region level. Not content with running a Scout Group in the challenging North East of Glasgow, Peter’s commitment to training locally and regionally has been exemplary. He is a TA, First Aid trainer, and a member of the Regional Training Team. Within the Regional Training team he has willingly taken on the role of Course Director for the residential training weekends for several years and continues to do so. He has drawn together an enthusiastic team for these events.

Lindsay Sharp spent more than 20 years supporting the delivery of exciting, quality programmes for the Cub Scout section of the 145th Glasgow before her appointment to the position of AGSL within the Group which was welcomed warmly by both leaders and parents. In this role she leads and supports the development of the Group. She has motivated an excellent team of volunteers and has delivered quality support to leaders who are delivering the programme to young people in every Section.


  • They have a total of 172 Scouting years behind them and that doesn’t include their years as youth members.
  • On average that’s over 28 years each.
  • Using that figure and the great myth of the game of Scouting being only an hour a week!' they have each spent:
    • 1120 hours running weekly sessions, so 1120 flag breaks or grand howls.
    • 56 hours having their ear drums bombarded at pantomimes/Gang Shows.
    • Participated in a minimum of 28 annual camps. Would anyone like to work out how many renditions of “Campfire’s burning” that is or how many rashers of bacon they’ve cooked. I’ll wager it’s a staggering amount.

To everyone who volunteers for Scouting, thank you!


Special thanks to Stephen and Peter, two really great guys that do a ton of work in the District , gets a B R A V O from me.

Fergus Magennis - 23rd April 2017 at 10:42pm

Well done Brendan and Lindsay. Both fantastic and amazing people !! Your hard work is very much appteciated - shaheen x

Shaheen Rashid - 04th April 2017 at 3:42pm

Well done to all of them,what an achievement IM

Mary - 04th April 2017 at 9:27am

Email: info@clydescouts.org.uk

Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

