Sectional Training Weekends 2010 - Part 1
20th - 21st November 2010
An opportunity to complete the following modules from The Scout Association's adult training scheme:
- Module 7 - Valuing Diversity
- Module 8 - Skills of Leadership
- Module 9 - Working with Adults
- Module 11 - Administration
- Module 12 - Balanced Programme
- Module 13 - Growing the Movement
- Module 14 - Young People Today
- Module 15 - Challenging Behaviour
- Module 16 - Introduction to Residential Experiences
- Module 17 - Outdoor Activities
Click here to open the Module Matrix which gives you an outline of the content for each module.
Venue: The Allander Chalet, Auchengillan Outdoor Centre, Blanefield, Glasgow, G63 9BA
The cost of this course if £80 for both weekends, including food and accommodation. Applications should be submitted by Friday 5 November 2010.
To apply to complete this course, click here.
Attendance is required at both weekends. The second weekend is 19/20 March 2011.