Safeguarding Awareness update training - Kelvin Valley
3rd March 2015, 18:45 - 21:00
Location: Stepps Scout Hall
Uniform: There is no need for Scout Uniform.
What to bring: Notepad & pen.
Tea & Coffee provided.
The format is a brief PowerPoint presentation followed by discussion groups and case studies so that leaders can share ideas. Issues covered include:
- Bullying - preventative strategies, recognising the signs and how to deal with it.
- Keeping young people safe - different forms of abuse, warning signs and procedure to report concerns.
- Safeguarding code of practice - advice for leaders to stay safe and recognising inappropriate behaviour by adults or young people in the group.
- Internet safety - online dangers for young people and guidance for leaders on use of social media.
- Resources and support - how to obtain resources, run a group activity and where to find help.
To apply to complete this course, click here - please note that there is no cost for this, (numbers strictly limited).
Important note: the Safeguarding Awareness training is not suitable for new leaders or for Explorer Scout young leaders. It is ongoing learning for those that have been in post for a few years and will shortly be due for an appointment review.
For more background information on why The Scout Association has introduced a requirement for Safeguarding Awareness Training, please click here to see an email that was sent to GSLs and Group Contacts.