Safeguarding Awareness Training - Kelvin Valley District
8th November 2011
Location: 175th Glasgow Scout Hall, Kenmuir Drive, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, G64 2RQ
Time: Please arrive for a 7.30pm prompt start. The evening
will finish by no later than 10pm.
Uniform: There is no need for Scout Uniform.
What to bring: Notepad & pen.
This year, the theme for the safeguarding training is:
- Recognising and dealing with cases of bullying in your section.
- Recognising and dealing with cases of child abuse in members of the Group/Movement.
- Recognising and dealing with inappropriate behaviour by adults and young people in the Group.
- Recognising unsafe practices and identifying alternative solutions.
There will be a brief update on the procedures to be
followed by adults in The Scout Association.
The format is a brief PowerPoint presentation and discussion
groups so that leaders can share ideas
To apply to complete this course, click here - please note
that there is no cost for this.
For more background information on why The Scout Association has introduced a requirement for Safeguarding Awareness Training, please click here to see an email that was sent to GSLs and Group Contacts -