First Aid Course

15th - 16th January 2011

Special offer to all Scout Leaders

Venture First Aid are offering Clyde Region Scouters the chance to attend a two day certificated emergency first aid course at the reduced rate of £75, a massive 25% off the normal £100 cost.

The course involves a minimum of 16 hours hands on instruction, features a formal independent assessment and is designed for those who work and play in the great outdoors. Suitable for National Governing Bodies such as the MLTUK, BCU, BOF, SMBLA, BCA, BASI etc. the course features practical scenarios in settings you are liable to find yourself in as an active outdoors person.

The course will run from Bothwell Scout Hall, Clyde Avenue, Bothwell.

Contact for further details or to book a place or phone 0777 600 8067.

Please note that this course is being run independently of Clyde Regional Scout Council.


Phone: 0141 248 6022

Address: 21 Elmbank Street, Glasgow, G2 4PB

